Saturday, July 28, 2007

Report from the trenches

This last week has been all about settling into routines. Both good and bad ones. I'm getting used to my new schedule. I have a tendency to, given the chance, change my hours if I dont have anything set to do early in the morning. And in school this last year I had a lot of late lectures so I sort of got used to getting up later. That offcourse leads to a shorter day and getting to bed later. Those who know me know that I'm an expert at this. I have had to take drastic measures to get my sleeping patterns back into place several times. The routine of getting up early in the morning is getting easier and easier. Thats one good routine, however I havent quite started getting to bed on time. And this will probably not work in the long run. So thats a bad routine.

When this week started and allmost everyone I know went of to FestiNord I figured it'd be a calm week in which I would get a lot done. Reality turned out to be different. Three out of five nights I spent with a couple of friends and I didnt get a lot of things done. I dont consider it a waste though as one of my friends is leaving for home in Taiwan on sunday.

Here I am now. It's saturday and I have a lot of things to do. Instead I write my blog :P I guess thats good to. Writing this makes me more aware of myself and helps me focus my attention where its needed. My appartment is a mess since my brothers slept over here last night. So I'm leaving you now to go get some stuff done! Wish me luck!

*Straps on helmet and heads back to the front line*

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