Friday, May 30, 2008

Clutterers Anonymous

The other day I happened upon a site called Clutterers Anonymous. No I wont be joining any supportgroups just yet. My clutter problem isn't that out of control. It was interesting however to take their 20 question quiz. Here it is, including my answers to them:

  • Do you have more possessions or items in your life than you can handle comfortably?
- No not really
  • Do you find it difficult to dispose of many things, even those you haven't used in years?
- Yes sometimes. I usually have a hard time shaking the feeling that I might need it again in the future.
  • Do you rent storage space to house items you never use?
-Thankfully no. If it was that bad then I would sign up for the support group this instant.
  • Do you spend time looking for things that are hard to find because of all the clutter?
-Disorder makes it hard to find study material I need to go back to.
  • Do you find it easier to drop something than to put it away, or to wedge an object into an overcrowded drawer or closet rather than find space for it?
  • Do you collect things to give to others?
  • Do you bring things into your house without establishing a place for them?
  • Is your clutter causing problems in your relationships?
-No, but that would require a relationship. (For the single females out there I'm single and looking!) still I haven't had clutter ruin anything in the past.
  • Are you embarrassed to have visitors because your home is never presentable?
-Yes. This is a recurring problem for me. Though sometimes I invite people over in order to force myself to deal with the clutter.
  • Do you hesitate sharing about this problem because you are ashamed of your cluttering?
-Well I am writing this blog am I not?
  • Are you constantly doing for others while your own home is out of order?
-Yes and no. Not to a large extent but to a degree I am much more inclined to help someone else then to take care of my own mess.
  • Do you miss deadlines or abandon projects because you can't find the paperwork or material to finish the work?
-No I generally force myself to find what I need and finish on time. At whatever cost.
  • Do you sometimes get buried in details, making projects take much longer than is really necessary?
-Thankfully this is not one of my traits.
  • Do you procrastinate about cleaning up because you believe you must do it perfectly or you won't do it at all?
-To some extent yes.
  • Are you easily side-tracked, moving from one project to another without finishing any of them?
  • Do you have problems with time management and estimating how long it takes to do things?
-Sometimes yes. But it depends on the project.
  • Do you believe there is all the time in the world to clean your house, finish those projects, and read all those piles of old magazines?
-Regretfully yes. I always think I'll have time "later"
  • Do you use distractions to escape from your clutter?
-Yes definitely. I'll frequently kill tons of time at my computer when I need to do things about my clutter.
  • Have you tried to clean up from time to time but find yourself unable to stick with it?
-Not really unable per se, just unwilling.
  • Does the problem appear to be growing?
-No thankfully it is more or less on the same level. Slightly less actually

There, not so bad right? Right? Actually according to the website I would be a prime candidate. So how many of these apply to you? I'll have a poll up this week. Post your score in it an we will see how we are all doing.


Wendy said...

I really liked reading through these questions. I should probably sit down and confront them honestly with myself. The question that particularly stands out in my mind is the one about collecting things for other people. I can also honestly say NO to that question. But I definitely know people who do that!!

Michael Dundee said...

I agree. It all becomes so much clearer when you start asking yourself specific questions. I had to say yes to more then I thought I would. But hopefully the realization will help us overcome those things.

Anonymous said...

The Clutterers Anonymous site where this questionaire can be viewed, states that if you answered yes to any three of the questions, you may have cause for concern.
I take laziness to mean avoiding the gut wrenching feeling I get when I actually look at my clutter. It is so much easier to put off dealing with my clutter and tend to "bigger fish to fry". stuff like my relatives, my friends, my job demands...

Anonymous said...

Fascinating info on Clutterers Anonymous…I had been researching various “anonymous” groups for a family member. I did answer nine questions with a ‘yes’ so I wonder what that means? I see there are no recent comments on your blogs, so what is your update? Working as a summer substitute again?

Michael Dundee said...

I'm afraid this blog has fallen by the wayside a bit. I might take it up again soon though. Yes I'm back at the same place as two years ago to work for the summmer. Still have a few semesters of school before I'm done with that.

About the test. Apparently three yesses means you should be concernede. As many as we have... I don't know :) I still don't want to think that I need a support group to deal with it though. Maybe thats just stubborness on my side.

Kelly - Casting Coordinator said...


Do you need help ridding your home of clutter? Are you having a hard time letting go of stuff you don't need but just can't seem to part with? Is your house in dire need of a makeover? If AT LEAST 3 ROOMS IN YOUR HOUSE ARE MESSY, then you need CLEAN HOUSE!!!

If you OWN a SINGLE-FAMILY HOUSE (sorry, no apartments, condos, or townhouses) and at least 2 adults live in your home, then please email the following info to us and we'll be in touch with more details:

1. Names & relationships of EVERYONE living in the house. (You must OWN the house)
2. Address & phone number.
3. Photos or video of all your cluttered rooms.

4. Tell us about yourself and why you and your family need CLEAN HOUSE!!!
5. Do you own or rent your house?
For prompt attention, please answer ALL of the above questions!!

Email us at
OR visit our website to apply:

We look forward to hosting your yard sale!!