Friday, March 7, 2008

The challenge to unplugg

Information technology is a wonderfull thing. It's a miracle of communication and collaboration. Some of the most fantastic things come out of the fast networks of digital communication and their ability to unite efforts and spread knowledge. I't all very wonderfull... and addictive!

Often we dont fully realise exactly how dependent we have become. The best way to find out how addicted you are to digital communication is to unplug for a day. No phone, no computer, no videogames etc. Take a sabbath from all those things. Its a lot harder then you think.

Mark Bittman of New York Times wrote a great article on his experiences with unplugging.

I would no more make a new-agey call to find inner peace than I would encourage a return to the mimeograph. But I do believe that there has to be a way to regularly impose some thoughtfulness, or at least calm, into modern life — or at least my version. Once I moved beyond the fear of being unavailable and what it might cost me, I experienced what, if I wasn’t such a skeptic, I would call a lightness of being. I felt connected to myself rather than my computer. I had time to think, and distance from normal demands. I got to stop.

The entire article can be found here.

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