Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Phoenix rising

It is with some embarrassment that I once again write here. Looking at my blog I realise that a month and a half has passed since I last wrote anything. Well, lots have happened since last time. There have been ups and downs. Moments of happiness and moments of sorrow. Helping hands and bumpy roads... In short, it hasn't been that much different from what you have experienced yourself these last six weeks.

So how is the war going then? I hear you wonder. Well, I'd be lying if I said it is going great. I seem to have entirely dropped most of the good habits I have developed. I've found myself drifting back to entertainment as a form of escape rather than relaxation, and my sleeping patterns are suffering accordingly. Some people would think that this was it. I couldn't do it. It doesn't work. Man can't change his destiny. We are doomed to be the way we are for the rest of our lives.

Well I wont stand for it! I will show myself and the world that no matter how many times you fall or the depth to which you have fallen you can rise again. Infact the falling is insignificant. What is significant is the fact that you rise again.

I like the legend of the Phoenix. It has a lot of parallels to us as humans. The Phoenix is eternal yet it dies. But every time it dies, consumed in a flame, it is reborn. From the ashes of its former life it rises to a new life. Just like the Phoenix we are eternal, and yet we are born and die. But when we die we will rise again. From the ashes of our former bodies and lives we rise to live eternally. And so it is with every experience. Every time we fall we rise again. Like the Phoenix we can rise to a new life, drawing on our experience of the past yet untainted by our former sins and mistakes, leaving them behind in the ashes of our past.

Lets not forget what makes this possible though. Lets not forget the sacrifice that was made, the price that was paid. In fact this is the most amazing thing in the whole atonement. Christ didn't wonder if we would accept his sacrifice. He didn't look into the future to determine who would accept him to then only pay the price for their sins (allthough this was surely in his power.) Instead he willingly paid for all of us. Even if we never turn to him he has paid the price! He has left the prison doors wide open and are waiting for us to step outside. Do we have the courage to do it?
Do we have the courage to rise again? To try one more time? To trust in his mercy? Well I do. And with his help I will rise again like the Phoenix from the ashes to a new life. Will it be hard? Definitely! Will I fall again? Absolutely, but I know that he is there to catch me, to take me by the hand and lift me again. And as long as I keep taking his hand he will keep lifting me, until the day comes that I stand before him.

But that day is far in the future. This day is now, and it is time for this phoenix to fly. Until next time, fare well.

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